This One Water That’s Green.

Moyato Ogundiran
2 min readMay 5, 2023

Let today be a really jolly day. For you and me. Days that dance with widened mouths from laughing, bended knees, roaming eyes lit up like sparkling from a clashing of two male stones. The king of Jolly days.

Do you want some water? Do you thirst? Is the sun out? Today is when I come out to the sun. The sun has never seen me before, or so it pretends. Come where the rock meets liquid me. If you do not see me, follow the sounds of the bronze bells by my ankle.

These are stones of tall heights, and so your enemies must now be raw bird eggs. For every time that they dare to meet you head-on. Behold me, in all the land there’s only one other like me, far-away, but “it” is now no more. Come. Come to the cliff, take your step of faith. Behold the green waters, I flow, but only beneath if you look.

Embrace me. You can stop crying your sweet tears, now take me to where the rock meets me. Suspend me in an embrace, that my back meets where the rock meets me. As I pat your head from the front hair to the back. Scream into my shoulder, go on and on. And on.

And if I die today, come after me; but I don’t die today. Even if they pick today it will turn to tomorrow for me, the tomorrow becomes another tomorrow. Now embrace me, that my back touches where the rock meets me. As I pat your head from the front hair to the back. Scream into my shoulder, just go on and on. And on.



Moyato Ogundiran

I wrote all the great stuff at Writers’Coven! All-round special girl.